The Pinestraw Guys will pay 5% of every completed sale of pinestraw or mulch referred by you or your organization.
Email, call, or text to let our team know that you are interested. We will need a point of contact name, number, and email address. We will sign you up with a unique discount code that the client must provide when ordering.
You can elect to be paid by electronic transfer or check every 1st and 15th. The client using your referral code must have received and paid for the service before distributions are paid out.
This program is a perfect way for schools, clubs, churches, charities, HOA's, POA's, landscape companies, and individuals who wish to make money from referring our pinestraw and mulch services.
You are a school trying to raise money for X. You sign up to our program and receive your school's unique code. You tell your parents about the program and one of them orders $400 with of mulch and mentions your code. You will receive $20 from this transaction. The program is good all year.
We would rather donate the marketing dollars to an organization or individual that helped us complete a sale. This benefits our communities more than spending on generic advertising that may receive a poor return rate.
Team TPG Update as of 3/8: